Thursday 29 April 2010

Subsidiary Task Two

For the second ancillary task I needed to create a newspaper advert. This would present the documentary with its purpose and images.

Denoted on the advert is a black background in this context it connotes nightlife as a life style and black also connotes a sense of mystery that nighttime brings.

The main image denoted on the page is of Ellie Holden. She is one of the main focuses in the documentary and using her in the main task and subsidiary tasks connotes familiarity. The audience will then be able to make connections between the character in the poster, advert and documentary.

The clothes that Ellie is wearing are daring and this connotes rebellion against social norms. This would be appealing to the target audience as they will find this appealing, different and out of the ordinary. The age of the girl is also very important, using a young, fresh and fashionable character will relate to the age group of the target audience and they will be attracted to the ad.

I have also include a small image of Ellie with friends on a night out in Brighton. The content of the advert clearly states we will be following Ellie on nights out so this relates to the subject of the documentary. This also follows conventions of documentary and TV ads as from research I know that images or stills are often used.

The text denoted on the page is white and size 12. This makes the text easy to read for the audience they will not need to struggle to see it clearly. The colour white works well against a black background and really makes it stand out. The language used is suitable for the target audience as I have used testing to ensure this. I have stated what the documentary is about and its purpose without revealing the outcome.

I have used a consistent style for the title of the documentary using capital letters and the same font style. This again connotes a loud and shocking look relating back to the idea of rebellion. Using this font the title consistently creates a really professional look.

Please click image to enlarge.

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